data-driven results produced with heart and soul, art and science


Stay true to your values, vision and mission.

Change the way you do it.

That is Pivot.


I help non-profits and philanthropists have maximum impact with strategic, data-driven results produced with heart and soul, art and science.

Big vision + excellent strategy + best resources + transparency & trust = maximum impact

I'm thrilled to work with clients such as the Canadian Mental Health Association, SickKids Foundation, TD Jazz Festival and other outstanding organizations - I’m looking at you Hillel Ontario and Friends of University Avenue.

Does your organization need a new case for support, a different approach to Board engagement, enhanced donor stewardship or the build-out of a major gift or corporate partnerships program? I bring a thoughtful, holistic approach to improving revenue generation, philanthropic culture and team work.

Keep your values and vision high aloft, so you can pivot on the ground when the terrain changes.
— Me

Areas of Practice

Case for Support

Build a clear, focused, effective and impactful narrative with big, hairy, audacious goals.

Strategic Planning

Big picture thinking in order to realize your vision.

Volunteer management

Are you harnessing the power of your board, effectively?

Team building

Is everyone aligned and working together? Are silos keeping your organization from success?

Bench Strength and infrastructure

Do you have systems and resources in place to maximize your team’s efforts?

PErformance improvement and revenue Generation

Metrics, motivation, strategy and tactics + KPI’s & EQ = ROI!

Let's connect.

For more information about my experience click here or email me at